I'm active from Republic of Moldova as ER/IK1HGE.
My working conditions consist of a wire G5RV antenna and a 100 W transceiver. I should be operating on all bands from 10 m to 80 m in SSB. If I find some room in my suitcase for my postal tapper, I'll be active in CW too. No PC, thus no digital modes.
If you want the QSL via bureau, send your one via IK1HGE. Direct QSLs must be sent to my Italian address, which you'll find easily.
I don't expect that, with the operating conditions that I told you and in a period of minimum sun activity, I'll collect several QSOs, but who knows...
Look for me on air!
UPDATE AUG. 22 - 2018
I am mainly working on 40 m and 80 m CW. I am about to install a dipole for 20 m. My Key is giving some troubles to me. Be patient if it gets stuck sometimes. I have no tools to fix it.
UPDATE AUG. 31 - 2018
End of activity from Moldova.