Flag of Moldova QRT QRT QRT QRT !

Sept. 3rd, 2021. 73 de ER/IK1HGE 

It's time to send your direct QSLs or OQRS ClubLog.

See you next year!


I'm operating from Moldova. CW, SSB and digital modes.


I plan to be active from Moldova as ER/IK1HGE in summer 2021, presumibly in August.

HF bands from 80 m to 10 m, 6 m, CW and SSB. I'm preparing my equipment to be active also in several digital modes including, but not limited to, FT8 and FT4. I'll let you know.


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- communicate who is the author in the following form: "ik1hge Roberto".


Credits Flag of Moldova image:

By Nameneko and others - vector coat of arms image traced by User:Nameneko from Image:Moldova gerb large.png. Construction sheet can be found at http://flagspot.net/flags/md.html#const, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=433231