ER/IK1HGE cards are leaving to the bureauPaolo, the QSL manager of the local radio amateurs' club informs that the outbound QSL cards are leaving to ARI italian bureau service headquarter. Since I missed the timeframe for the previous shipment, there are several hundreds QSL cards from IK1HGE and ER/IK1HGE  this time. If I received your card for a QSO with ER/IK1HGE via bureau, I'm now confident that in two or three years you will receive my one. However, I must also say that since 2019 operations from Moldova, probably due to the pandemic situation I received quite a few cards so it is reasonable to think that I did not get your one yet and that you won't get your confirmation for another 3  to 5 years.

Just in case you needed the confirmation earlier, kindly find my address in, or try clublog OQRS only for the QSOs in YO DX contest 2019.

QSL cards shipment ready

 Photos by Paolo IK1RQQ.